CNS 3-13-1994 工程制圖(幾何公差-位置度公差之標注)Engineering Drawing (Geometrical Tolerancing - Positional Tolerancing)
GB/T 1184-1996 形狀和位置公差 未注公差值Geometrical tolerancing--Geometrical tolerance for features without individual tolerance indications
GB/T 13916-2013 沖壓件形狀和位置未注公差Unnoted tolerance of shape and position for stamping parts
GB/T 1182-2018 產品幾何技術規(guī)范(GPS) 幾何公差 形狀、方向、位置和跳動公差標注Geometrical Product Specifications(GPS)--Geometrical tolerancing--Tolerances of form,orientation,location and run-out
GB/T 17852-2018 產品幾何技術規(guī)范(GPS) 幾何公差 輪廓度公差標注Geometrical tolerancing--Tolerancing of profile
WJ 1708-1987 冷沖壓零件 形狀和位置公差未注公差的規(guī)定
QC/T 714-2004(2010) 汽車車身覆蓋件未注形狀與位置公差值General geometrical tolerances for cover panel of vehicle body
QB/T 1511-2011 縫紉機零件 未注形狀和位置公差
QC/T 714-2004(2017) 汽車車身覆蓋件未注形狀與位置公差值General geometrical tolerances for cover panel of vehicle body
QB/T 1511-2011(2017) 縫紉機零件 未注形狀和位置公差Sewing machine parts Not note geometric and position tolerance
GB/T 1804-2000 一般公差 未注公差的線性和角度尺寸的公差General tolerances Tolerances for linear and angular dimensions without individual tolerance indications
WJ 1706-1987 冷沖壓零件 未注公差尺寸的公差
CNS 3-4-1999 工程制圖(幾何公差)Engineering drawings - Geometrical toleranicing
QB/T 4453-2013 木家具 幾何公差Wooden furniture Geometrical tolerancing
GB/T 17773-1999 形狀和位置公差 延伸公差帶及其表示法Tolerancing of orientation and location--Projected tolerance zone
GB/T 6414-2017 鑄件 尺寸公差、幾何公差與機械加工余量Castings--System of dimensional tolerances and machining allowances
QB/T 4521-2013(2017) 手表用尺寸至3mm未注公差的線性尺寸公差Tolerances for watch linear dimensions up to 3mm without individual tolerance indications
HB 7361-1996 螺母的形狀和位置公差
QB/T 4521-2013 手表用尺寸至3mm未注公差的線性尺寸公差
CB 829-1998 水中兵器產品未注公差的規(guī)定Specification for underwater ordnances without individual tolerance indications
GB/T 3672.2-2002 橡膠制品的公差 第2部分:幾何公差Rubber-Tolerances of products--Part 2: Geometrical tolerances
GB/T 15055-2021 沖壓件未注公差尺寸極限偏差Permissible stamping variations in dimensions without tolerance indication
GB/T 4458.5-2003 機械制圖 尺寸公差與配合注法Mechanical drawings--Indication of tolerances for size and of fits
GB/T 15754-1995 技術制圖 圓錐的尺寸和公差注法Technical drawings--Dimensioning and tolerancing of cones
CNS 3-12-1994 工程制圖(幾何公差-最大實體原理)Engineering Drawing (Geometrical Tolerancing - Maximum Material Principle)
GB/T 39741.2-2021 滑動軸承公差第2部分:軸和止推軸肩的幾何公差及表面粗糙度
CNS 10326-1993 凸緣式旋轉電機外型幾何公差Geometry Tolerance of Flange Type Rotating Electric Machines
HB 7360-1996 螺栓和螺釘的形狀和位置公差
HB 6624-1992 緊固件連接孔軸線位置公差
GB/T 1958-2017 產品幾何技術規(guī)范(GPS) 幾何公差 檢測與驗證Geometrical product Specifications (GPS)--Geometrical tolerance--Verification prescription