GBZ 20-2019 職業(yè)性接觸性皮炎的診斷Diagnostic Criteria of Occupational Contact Dermatitis
GBZ 21-2006 職業(yè)性光接觸性皮炎診斷標準Diagnostic criteria of occupational contact photodermatitis
GB/T 17149.2-1997 化妝品接觸性皮炎診斷標準及處理原則Diagnostic criteria and principles of management of contact dermatitis induced by cosmetics
GBZ 19-2002 職業(yè)性電光性皮炎診斷標準Diagnostic Criteria of Occupational Electroflash Dermatitis
GB/T 17149.6-1997 化妝品光感性皮炎診斷標準及處理原則Diagnostic criteria and principles of management of photosensitive dermatitis induced by cosmetics
NY/T 1244-2006 接觸傳染性膿皰皮炎診斷技術Diagnostic techniques for contagious pustular dermatitis
GB/T 11343-2008 無損檢測 接觸式超聲斜射檢測方法Non-destructive testing--Practice for ultrasonic angle-beam testing by the contact method
GB/T 23908-2009 無損檢測 接觸式超聲脈沖回波直射檢測方法Non-destructive testing--Practice for ultrasonic pulse-echo straight-beam testing by the contact method
JJF 1148-2006 角膜接觸鏡檢測儀校準規(guī)范Calibration Specification for Test Devices of Contact Lenses
JB/T 8250.2-1999 閃光接觸效率和閃光接觸持續(xù)時間 測試方法Test method for efficiency of contacts and contact duration
JB/T 8250.2-1999(2017) 閃光接觸效率和閃光接觸持續(xù)時間 測試方法Test method for efficiency of contacts and contact duration
SN/T 5194-2020 羊傳染性膿皰皮炎檢疫技術規(guī)范
JB/T 4009-2020 無損檢測 接觸式超聲縱波脈沖回波檢測和評定不連續(xù)方法
SN/T 3340-2012 與皮膚接觸服裝附件鎳釋放檢測方法
JJF 1261.18-2017 交流接觸器能源效率計量檢測規(guī)則
GBZ 185-2006 職業(yè)性三氯乙烯藥疹樣皮炎診斷標準Diagnostic criteria of occupational medicamentose-like dermatitis due to trichloroethylene
JJF (機械) 028-2008 閃光接觸測試儀校準規(guī)范
CNS 8478-1982 滑動電氣接觸雜音測試法Method of Test for Electrical Contact Noise in Sliding Electrical Contacts
GB/T 18852-2020 無損檢測 超聲檢測 測量接觸探頭聲束特性的參考試塊和方法Ultrasonic non-destructive testing--Reference blocks and test procedures for the characterization of contact search unit beam profiles
JB/T 5809-2007 真空接觸器截止電流測試方法
JB/T 5809-2007(2017) 真空接觸器截止電流測試方法Test method of cut-off current of vacuum contactor
GB/T 6620-2009 硅片翹曲度非接觸式測試方法Test method for measuring warp on silicon slices by noncontact scanning
SN/T 5232-2019 食品接觸材料 鮮切制品氣調(diào)包裝的檢測
SN/T 3179-2012 食品接觸材料檢測方法 紙和紙板 感官分析 氣味Food contact materials--Paper and board--Sensory analysis--Odour
JB/T 13925-2020 帶有法蘭接觸面的多棱錐柄檢測方法
CB 20580-2018 航母典型結構非接觸式應變測試方法
GB/T 26268-2010 網(wǎng)絡入侵檢測系統(tǒng)測試方法Test method for network intrusion detection system
GA/T 843-2009 唾液酒精檢測試紙條The saliva alcohol test strip
YDN 142-2008(2014) 網(wǎng)絡入侵檢測系統(tǒng)測試方法
YD/T 1900-2009(2015) 深度包檢測設備測試方法Test Method of Deep Packet Inspection Device