- 余氯和游離氯濃度
- pH值
- 渾濁度
- 總大腸菌群檢測
- 重金屬和有機物質檢測
GB/T 28935-2012 拆裝式游泳池Assembled swimming pool
GB/T 28939-2012 游泳池拆裝式墊層Assembled padding for swimming pool
CJ/T 528-2018 游泳池除濕熱回收熱泵
CJ/T 244-2016 游泳池水質標準
JB/T 11969-2014 游泳池用空氣源熱泵熱水機
JB/T 11969-2014(2017) 游泳池用空氣源熱泵熱水機
CJ/T 405-2012 游泳池用壓力式過濾器Pressure filters for swimming pools
CJ/T 534-2018 游泳池及水療池用循環(huán)水泵
T/CECS 10067-2019 綠色建材評價 游泳池循環(huán)水處理設備
NB/T 32019-2013 太陽能游泳池加熱系統技術規(guī)范Specifications of solar heating system for swimming pool
GB/T 18204.9-2000 游泳池水微生物檢驗方法 細菌總數測定Methods of microbiological examination for water in swimming pool-Determination of aerobic bacterial count
GB/T 8433-2013 紡織品 色牢度試驗 耐氯化水色牢度(游泳池水)Textiles―Tests for colour fastness―Colour fastness to chlorinated water (swimming-pool water)
GB/T 18204.10-2000 游泳池水微生物檢驗方法 大腸菌群測定Methods of microbiological examination for water in swimming pool-Determination of Coliform bacteria
CNS 9017-2015 紡織品-色牢度試驗法-耐氯水(游泳池水)色牢度Textiles ? Tests for colour fastness ? Colour fastness to chlorinated water (swimming-pool water)
CJJ 122-2017 游泳池給水排水工程技術規(guī)程(附條文說明)
GB 7000.218-2008 燈具 第2-18部分:特殊要求 游泳池和類似場所用燈具Luminaires--Part 2-18:Particular requirements--Luminaries for swimming pools and similar application
GB/T 7000.218-2023 燈具 第2-18部分:特殊要求 游泳池和類似場所用燈具Luminaires—Part 2-18: Particular requirements—Luminaries for swimming pools and similar application
GB/T 16895.19-2017 低壓電氣裝置 第7-702部分:特殊裝置或場所的要求 游泳池和噴泉Electrical installations of buildings Part 7: Requirements for special installations or locations Section 702: Swimming pools and other basins
SN/T 1588.3-2013 進出口燈具檢驗規(guī)程 第3部分:游泳池及類似場所用燈具的特殊要求Rules for the inspection of luminaires for import and export--Part 3:Particular requirements of luminaires for swimming pools and similar applications
SN/T 1588.3-2013(2017) 進出口燈具檢驗規(guī)程 第3部分:游泳池及類似場所用燈具的特殊要求Rules for the inspection of luminaires for import and export--Part 3:Particular requirements of luminaires for swimming pools and similar applications
NB/T 20711-2023 壓水堆核電廠反應堆換料水池和乏燃料水池冷卻和處理系統調試技術導則
JJF 1146-2006 消聲水池聲學特性校準規(guī)范Calibration Specification for Acoustic Charateristics of Anechoic Water Tank
SC/T 4011-1995 拖網模型水池試驗方法
SC/T 9103-2007 海水池塘水排放要求Water Discharge Standard for Water Mariculture
QB/T 4734-2023 游泳眼鏡
QB/T 5304-2018 雨水蓄水池用塑料模塊
QB/T 4734-2014(2017) 游泳眼鏡Surface swimming goggles
SC/T 9101-2007 淡水池塘養(yǎng)殖水排放要求Requirement for Water Discharge from Freashwater Aquaculture Pond
SC/T 6101-2020 淡水池塘養(yǎng)殖小區(qū)建設通用要求
QB/T 5817-2023 聚氯乙烯復合織物膜材嬉水池