煤瀝青 水分含量 共沸蒸餾法檢測標(biāo)準(zhǔn)列舉
GB/T 26930.1-2011 原鋁生產(chǎn)用炭素材料 煤瀝青 第1部分:水分含量的測定 共沸蒸餾法Carbonaceous materials for the production of primary aluminium. Pitch for electrodes. Part 1:Determination of water content. Azeotropic distillation(Dean and Stark) method
CNS 3517-2012 石油產(chǎn)品與瀝青類物質(zhì) 水分試驗(yàn)法(蒸餾法)Method of test for water in petroleum products and bituminous materials by distillation
YB/T 032-2012 煤瀝青筑路油 蒸餾試驗(yàn)
YB/T 032-2012(2017) 煤瀝青筑路油 蒸餾試驗(yàn)Determination of distillation test of coal tar pitch for road
SH/T 0099.15-2005 乳化瀝青水含量測定法(蒸餾法)Determination of water content in asphalt emulsions by distillation
CNS 15477-2011 瀝青鋪面混合料中水分或揮發(fā)性蒸餾液試驗(yàn)法Method of test for moisture or volatile distillates in bituminous paving mixtures
CNS 10455-1983 乳化瀝青蒸餾餾出油定性法(微量蒸餾法)Method of Test for Identification of Oil Distillate Obtained from Emulsified Asphalts by Micro-Distillation
YB/T 031-2012 煤瀝青筑路油 萘含量測定 氣相色譜法
NB/SH/T 0990-2019 乳化瀝青殘留物含量測定法 水分儀法
YB/T 031-2012(2017) 煤瀝青筑路油 萘含量測定 氣相色譜法Determination of the naphthalene content of coal tar pitch for road by gas chromatography
SH/T 0099.16-2005 乳化瀝青殘留物含量測定法(低溫減壓蒸餾法)Determination of residue in asphalt emulsions by low-temperature vacuum distillation
YB/T 4824-2020 煤瀝青 3,4-苯并芘含量的測定 氣相色譜法
DL/T 2029-2019 煤中全水分測定 自動(dòng)儀器法
GB/T 8929-2006 原油水含量的測定 蒸餾法Grude petroleum--Determination of water--Distillation method
NB/T 51007-2012 無煤柱煤與瓦斯共技術(shù)規(guī)范Technical specifications for integrated pillarless coal production and methane extraction
GB/T 2290-2012 煤瀝青Coal tar pitch
CNS 11113-1984 石墨水分含量試驗(yàn)法Method of Test for Moisture in Graphite
GB/T 260-2016 石油產(chǎn)品水含量的測定 蒸餾法Determination of water content in petroleum products
SH/T 0099.17-2005 乳化瀝青殘留物與餾出油含量蒸餾測定法Determination of residue and oil distillate in asphalt emulsions by distillation
YB/T 4579-2016 浸漬煤瀝青
GB/T 38772-2020 煤液化瀝青
CNS 5582-1980 活性碳水分含量檢驗(yàn)法Method of Test for Moisture in Activated Carbon
CNS 11459-1985 煙葉檢驗(yàn)法-水分含量之測定Method of Test for Tobacco - Determination of Water Content
CNS 15306-2010 瀝青混凝土鋪面混合料受水分影響試驗(yàn)法Method for testing effect of moisture on asphalt concrete paving mixtures
YB/T 030-2012 煤瀝青筑路油
MT/T 850-2000 煤的全水分分級Classification for total moisture in coal
YB/T 030-2012(2017) 煤瀝青筑路油Coal tar pitch for road
NB/T 10833-2021 煤直接液化瀝青
SN/T 0735.16-1999 出口芳香油、單離和合成香料 水分測定法(蒸餾法)Eseential oils,perfumery isolates and synthetics for export—Determination of water content—Distillation method
GB/T 4632-2008 煤的最高內(nèi)在水分測定方法Determination of moisture-holding capacity of coal
更多煤瀝青 水分含量 共沸蒸餾法檢測標(biāo)準(zhǔn)可咨詢工程師,工程師會(huì)根據(jù)不同產(chǎn)品類型的特點(diǎn)、不同行業(yè)和不同國家的法規(guī)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)以及客戶的需求,選取相應(yīng)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的項(xiàng)目和方法進(jìn)行煤瀝青 水分含量 共沸蒸餾法檢測。