1. 成分分析:檢測焊絲中銅及其他合金元素的含量。
2. 力學性能:包括拉伸強度、屈服強度、延伸率等。
3. 外觀質量:包括表面光潔度、直線度等。
1. 全面的檢測項目:能夠覆蓋銅及銅合金焊絲的各項性能指標。
2. 高效精準的檢測方法:借助先進的檢測儀器和技術,確保數(shù)據(jù)準確可靠。
3. 客戶定制化服務:根據(jù)客戶需求定制檢測方案,滿足個性化要求。
GB/T 9460-2008 銅及銅合金焊絲Copper and copper alloy wires and rods
GB/T 9460-2023 銅及銅合金焊絲Solid wires and rods for fusion welding of copper and copper alloys
GB/T 13819-2013 銅及銅合金鑄件Copper and copper alloy castings
GB/T 2040-2017 銅及銅合金板材Sheet of copper and copper alloy
CNS 4125-2012 銅及銅合金鑄件Copper and copper alloy castings
CNS 10443-2012 銅及銅合金線Copper and copper alloy wires
GB/T 21652-2017 銅及銅合金線材Copper and copper alloy wire
GB/T 1176-2013 鑄造銅及銅合金Casting copper and copper alloys
HB 5450-1990 銅及銅合金鍛件
GB/T 11086-2013 銅及銅合金術語Copper and copper alloys. Terms and definitions
CNS 10442-2012 銅及銅合金棒Copper and copper alloy rods and bars
GB/T 13587-2020 銅及銅合金廢料Scraps of copper and copper alloy
GB/T 3670-2021 銅及銅合金焊條Covered electordes for manual metal arc welding of copper and copper alloys
CNS 3510-1-1997 銅及銅合金氣焊條Copper and copper alloy gas welding rods
GB/T 8891-2013 銅及銅合金散熱管Tube of copper and copper alloy for heat radiator
GB/T 3114-2023 銅及銅合金扁線Copper and copper alloy rectangular wire
CNS 11942-1-1999 銅及銅合金中銅定量法Methods for determination of copper in copper and copper alloys
GB/T 2059-2017 銅及銅合金帶材Strip of copper and copper alloy
GB/T 1527-2017 銅及銅合金拉制管Drawn tube of copper and copper alloys
CNS 3510-1997 銅及銅合金被覆焊條Copper and copper alloy covered electrodes
GB/T 4423-2020 銅及銅合金拉制棒Copper and copper-alloy cold-drawn rod and bar
CNS 13867-2012 銅及銅合金焊接管Copper and copper alloy welded pipes and tubes
YS/T 759-2020 銅及銅合金鑄棒
GB/T 5187-2021 銅及銅合金箔材Copper and copper alloy foil
CNS 11073-2012 銅及銅合金板及卷片Copper and copper alloy sheets, plates and strips
YS/T 662-2007 銅及銅合金擠制管
YS/T 865-2013(2017) 銅及銅合金無縫高翅片管Copper and copper-alloy seamless tubes with high fins
GB/T 37568-2019 銅及銅合金鍍錫帶材
GB/T 1531-2020 銅及銅合金毛細管Capillary tube of copper and copper alloys
YS/T 649-2007 銅及銅合金擠制棒