1. 尺寸檢測:包括外徑、螺紋高度等尺寸檢測。
2. 表面質量檢測:檢測產品表面是否平整、無裂紋、無氧化等質量問題。
3. 螺紋檢測:檢測產品螺紋的牙型是否正確、牙距是否均勻等。
4. 強度檢測:檢測產品的拉伸強度、抗壓強度等機械性能。
1. 高效準確:采用先進檢測設備,確保檢測數據的準確性和可靠性。
2. 多維度檢測:覆蓋尺寸、表面質量、螺紋和強度等多個方面,全面保障產品質量。
3. 快速響應:能夠快速響應客戶需求,及時進行檢測和報告結果,提高產品上市速度。
GB/T 5785-2016 六角頭螺栓 細牙Hexagon head bolts with fine pitch thread
GB/T 5786-2016 六角頭螺栓 細牙 全螺紋Hexagon head bolts with fine pitch thread--Full thread
GB/T 31.3-1988 六角頭螺桿帶孔螺栓 細牙 A和B級Hexagon bolts with split pin hole on shank--Fine pitch thread--Product grade A and B
QJ 2366-1992 六角頭螺栓
GB/T 5782-2016 六角頭螺栓Hexagon head bolts
HB 1-101-2002 六角頭螺栓Hexagon bolts
HB 1757-1987 六角頭螺栓
GB/T 32.3-2020 六角頭頭部帶孔螺栓 細牙Hexagon bolts with wire holes on head—Fine pitch thread
GB/T 16674.2-2016 六角法蘭面螺栓 細牙 小系列Hexagon bolts with flange with metric fine pitch thread--Small series
CNS 3123-1987 六角頭螺栓(粗制)Hexagon Head Bolts,Regular, Metric Thread
HB 8041-8042-2002 輕型六角頭螺栓Hexagon head lightening bolts
GB/T 5780-2016 六角頭螺栓 C級Hexagon head bolts--Product grade C
GB/T 5783-2016 六角頭螺栓全螺紋Hexagon head bolts--Full thread
GB/T 29.1-2013 六角頭帶槽螺栓Hexagon bolts with slot on head
QJ 2580A-2011 鈦合金六角頭螺栓
HB 6562-1992 鈦合金六角頭螺栓
GB/T 27-2013 六角頭加強桿螺栓Hexagon fit shank bolts
CNS 4702-1982 六角頭減徑柄螺栓Hexagon Head Bolts with Reduced Body
QJ 2367-1992 六角頭螺桿帶孔螺栓
GB/T 31.1-2013 六角頭螺桿帶孔螺栓Hexagon bolts with split pin hole on shank
CNS 3124-1987 六角頭螺栓(鋼結構用)Hexagon Head Bolts for Steel Structures
HB 8033-2002 MJ螺紋六角頭階梯螺栓Hexagon ladder bolts with MJ thread
CNS 4322-1982 六角頭全螺紋螺栓(粗制)Hexagon Bolts with Thread Approximately to Head, Regular, Metric Thread
HB 1-102-2002 短螺紋小六角頭螺栓Reduce hexagon head bolt, short thread
QC/T 858-2011 六角厚螺母 細牙
GB/T 6173-2015 六角薄螺母 細牙Hexagon thin nuts (chamfered) with fine pitch thread
QC/T 858-2011(2017) 六角厚螺母 細牙Hexagon thick nuts. Fine thread
GB/T 152.4-1988 緊固件 六角頭螺栓和六角螺母用沉孔Fasteners--Counterbores for hexagon bolts and nuts
GB/T 5784-1986 六角頭螺栓 細桿 B級Hexagon head bolts--Reduced shank--Product grades B
HB 8035-2002 一字槽六角頭螺栓Hexagon bolts with recess