1. 尺寸精度:
2. 材質(zhì)成分:
3. 表面質(zhì)量:
1. 光學顯微鏡檢測
2. X射線衍射分析
3. 三坐標測量
1. 數(shù)顯光學影像測量儀
2. 金相顯微鏡
3. X射線熒光光譜儀
1. 高效快速:利用先進的儀器設備,能夠快速、準確地完成檢測。
2. 正規(guī)定制:根據(jù)客戶的具體要求,提供定制化的檢測方案。
3. 質(zhì)量保證:確保產(chǎn)品符合相關標準和要求,提高產(chǎn)品的質(zhì)量和可靠性。
GB/T 9074.26-1988 組合件用彈簧墊圈Single coil spring lock washer for assembly
GB/T 9074.15-1988 六角頭螺栓和彈簧墊圈組合件Hexagon head bolt and single coil spring lock washer assemblies
GB/T 9074.17-1988 六角頭螺栓和彈簧墊圈及平墊圈組合件Hexagon head bolt, single coil spring lock washer and plain washerassemblies
GB/T 9074.4-1988 十字槽盤頭螺釘和彈簧墊圈及平墊圈組合件Cross recessed pan head screw,single coil spring lock washer and plain washer assemblies
GB/T 9074.3-1988 十字槽盤頭螺釘和彈簧墊圈組合件Cross recessed pan head screw and single coil spring lock washer assemblies
GB/T 9074.8-1988 十字槽小盤頭螺釘和彈簧墊圈及平墊圈組合件Cross recessed small pan head screw,single coil spring lock washerand plain washer assemblies
GB/T 9074.7-1988 十字槽小盤頭螺釘和彈簧墊圈組合件Cross recessed small pan head screw and single coil spring lock washer assemblies
GB/T 9074.31-2017 組合件用錐形彈性墊圈
GB/T 9074.28-1988 組合件用錐形鎖緊墊圈Countersunk external toothed lock washer for assembly
GB/T 9074.27-1988 組合件用外鋸齒鎖緊墊圈Serrated lock washer external teeth for assembly
QJ 20040.4-2011 不銹鋼螺釘墊圈組合件 第4部分:六角頭螺栓、彈簧墊圈和平墊圈
QJ 20040.1-2011 不銹鋼螺釘墊圈組合件 第1部分:十字槽盤頭螺釘、彈簧墊圈和平墊圈
GB/T 9074.13-1988 十字槽冊穴六角頭螺栓和彈簧墊圈及平墊圈組合件Cross recessed hexagon bolt with indentation, single coil lock washer and plan washer assemblies
GB/T 97.4-2002 平墊圈 用于螺釘和墊圈組合件Plain washer for assembly
CNS 4407-1978 波浪形彈簧墊圈(用于螺釘之組合)Curved Spring Washers for Screw Assemblies
GB/T 9074.12-1988 十字槽凹穴六角頭螺栓和彈簧墊圈組合件Cross recessed hexagon bolt with indentation and single coil spring lock washer assemblies
TB/T 418-1975 道岔用彈簧墊圈
CNS 14625-2002 軌道用彈簧墊圈Spring steel washers for railway
GB/T 97.5-2002 平墊圈 用于自攻螺釘和墊圈組合件Plain washers for tapping sew and washer assemblies
GB/T 9074.18-2017 自攻螺釘和平墊圈組合件Tapping screw and washer assemblies with plan washers
YB/T 5319-2010 彈簧墊圈用梯形鋼絲
YB/T 5319-2010(2017) 彈簧墊圈用梯形鋼絲Trapeze steel wire for spring washer
QJ 20040.3-2011 不銹鋼螺釘墊圈組合件 第3部分:十字槽凹穴六角頭螺栓、彈簧墊圈和平墊圈
GB/T 9074.1-2018 螺栓或螺釘和平墊圈組合件Bolt or screw and washer assemblies with plain washers
QJ 2963.3-1997 專用彈簧墊圈 輕型不銹鋼彈簧墊圈
CNS 7033-1981 魚尾板用彈簧墊圈Spring Washers for Fish Plate
HB 7149.16-1995 大型系列組合夾具合件 彈簧支座
CNS 5053-1979 彎形彈簧墊圈(帶墊螺釘用)Curved Spring Washers for Screw Assemblies
GB/T 94.1-2008 彈性墊圈技術條件 彈簧墊圈Specifications for spring washers--Single coil spring lock washers
CNS 5052-1979 單圈彈簧墊圈(柱頭螺釘用)Single Coil Spring Lock Washers for Cylindrical Head Screws